NPL debt purchase

B2 Impact purchases non-performing loans from banks and other financial institutions. By selling the debt to us, our vendors can reduce risk, improve the financial liquidity, and focus on their core business, while we take care of their customers and offer them support to solve their debt problem with a flexible and fair approach.

Two men sitting by a table talking

At B2 Impact we have built strong relationships with financial institutions and other large corporate vendors. The number of completed transactions of Non-performing loans (NPLs), as well as the scale of the Group's operations, guarantee an efficient and professional handling. We have the necessary know-how to conduct the entire process of purchasing debt portfolios.

Our long-term experience of NPL portfolio pricing provides an efficient and reliable pricing for any industry, resulting in a realistic market value of the portfolios. 

Let's talk?

Calle del Eucalipto, 33 28016 Madrid91 495 27 76
Creamos soluciones para tu salud financiera.