Business process centre

Unique in closing the credit cycle, from sales to collections management with a highly qualified team in sales, loyalty, retention, document management and specialised back-office.

Woman sitting by a desk with a computer and a coffee cup

Experts in financial products

  • Online loan offering and processing​.
  • Credit card sales and activation.

Specialized services

  • Default prevention.
  • GDPR: updating and data collection.​
  • Lead qualification: for potential financing study​.
  • Satisfaction surveys.

End 2 end processes

  • Capture of transactions.
  • Pre-validation.
  • Documentation matching.
  • Telephone verifications.
  • Analysis and decision making.
  • Customer servicing.
  • After-sales.
  • Formalization of the operation. 
  • Pre-validación​.
  • Wellcome.

Risk analysis

  • Verification on Credit Bureau (Asnef and Badexcug).
  • Analysis of individuals in CIRBE, quality of income, level of indebtedness, etc.
  • Decision-making based on each company's risk criteria.
  • Management of approvals in each company's applications.

Let's talk?

Calle del Eucalipto, 33 28016 Madrid91 495 27 76
Creamos soluciones para tu salud financiera.