
B2 Impact is committed to sustainable growth. The Group’s mission is to bridge the gap that defaulted debt represents in the credit chain between lenders and customers. Through its business, the Group plays an important role in contributing to handling society’s debt problems and is committed to acting in a sustainable way.

B2 Impact’s work with sustainability

The Group’s sustainability strategy outlines how the company operates to achieve its sustainability objectives. The strategy focuses on four core pillars:

Customer knowledge

Fair treatment and high satisfaction of our customers lie at the heart of B2 Impact’s social approach.

Sustainable value chain

We contribute to the responsible acquisition of portfolios and have a fundamental respect for human rights.

Attractive work environment

We focus on training and development, a diverse and inclusive culture, and supporting our employees' health and well-being.

Transparent ESG conduct

We place great emphasis on cybersecurity and data privacy, ethical behaviour and anti-corruption in all our business activities.

The sustainability strategy is implemented through its adoption in operations and the way the Group operates daily. To support the strategy, the Group’s Sustainability Policy sets out how B2 Impact delivers on sustainability objectives and its expectations for employees and representatives.

The Group sets clear targets and aims to empower its customers and partners to reach theirs.

Sustainability strategy
Sustainability strategy

Open and transparent with our reporting

Human Rights

B2 Impact follows the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The Group views human rights as those rights recognised by the International Bill of Rights and the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organisation. B2 Impact’s Code of Conduct supports these fundamental principles and is the Group’s foundation for building and sustaining professional and long-term relations with its stakeholders and maintaining high ethical standards in every decision made.

Human rights
Human rights

We have a Code of Conduct