Legal notice
Company name: B2 Impact, S.A.U.
CIF: A84727809.
Address: Eucalipto, 33, 28016 Madrid.
Email address:
Activity: Financial Services.
"Entity registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, volume 22,833, folio 80, section 8, page M-408762"
To browse this website as a visitor or to register and be able to access the services offered by, the following conditions of service and use of the website must be accepted:
The user assumes these general conditions of service.
If the user does not accept these conditions, they cannot use this website, or access the services offered by B2 Impact.
These conditions of use regulate the access and use of the website The use of this website attributes the status of user from the access and start of browsing it. From the moment of access to any of its contents, the user expressly accepts these general conditions. The user accepts the particular conditions applicable to the different services offered by the entity on the website to which they access.
Through the website, provides users with access and use of various information and services.
The user agrees to use the website in accordance with the Law and with the provisions of these General Conditions.
In general, for the provision of services and access to information on the website, the prior subscription or registration of users is not required. However, B2 Impact conditions the use of some of the Services, upon prior completion of the corresponding registration or form for collecting the user's personal data. The aforementioned registration will be carried out in the manner expressly indicated in the service itself or in the Particular Conditions that, where appropriate, regulate it.
The user undertakes to make proper use of the contents and services of the website
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Any action that may damage, disable, make inaccessible or deteriorate the website, its contents or its services or prevent normal enjoyment of it by other users is expressly prohibited.
The user expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or damage personal data, programs or electronic documents found on the web.
The user undertakes not to introduce, store or disseminate any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other instrument or electronic or physical device that is likely to cause damage to the website, in any of the services, or in any of the equipment, systems or networks of the entity, of any other user, of the providers or in general of any third party, or that in any other way is capable of causing any type of alteration or preventing the normal operation of the same.
Do not carry out advertising, promotional or commercial exploitation activities through the web.
Do not use content and in particular information obtained through the web to send advertising or send messages with personal data of third parties.
Any action that involves destroying, altering, using for its own use, disabling or damaging the data, information, programs or electronic documents of the entity, its suppliers or third parties is prohibited.
Any action that entails the infringement of the intellectual, industrial or secret property rights of third parties is prohibited, and in general the use of any content not owned by the user is expressly prohibited.
The user is prohibited from carrying out 'spam' practices or acts in the use or as a consequence of the use of the website or of the information and services for sale or other commercial purposes, to a plurality of people without their prior request. or consent, nor any other messages not requested or previously consented to a plurality of people. You are also prohibited from sending chains of electronic messages not requested or previously consented, and useful